When it comes to stock investing, knowing your investment goal is crucial. That, along with your investing time frame and how much risk you’re willing to take when investing in stocks, will help you determine how your stock investments should work with the rest of your investment portfolio. Stock investing can help your portfolio by providing potential growth, income from dividends or a combination of the two. The value of any stock can fluctuate, and may become worth more or less than you originally paid.
Futures and commodities speculators can take advantage of highly leveraged exposures in both financial and nonfinancial markets (commodities such as energies, grains, meats, and metals). That means they can buy futures contracts by depositing just a small percentage of the overall contract price. Their goal is to profit from changes in the price of the futures contract. Hedgers, those who hold a specific commodity (asset) or have a specific exposure, often take a position opposite the cash market to help reduce risks.
A blockchain (originally block chain), is a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. The primary use of blockchains today is as a distributed ledger for cryptocurrencies, most notably Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. There are a few operational products maturing from proof of concept by late 2016.
Mutual funds are popular investments because they offer a cost-effective and efficient way to diversify your investments (or own a variety of securities — stocks, bonds, etc.) without having to make a large initial investment. When you purchase shares of a mutual fund, you’re pooling your money with other investors and letting the mutual fund (which is simply a money management company) invest and manage the money to help meet the fund’s specified investment goal (growth and/or passive income).
A solid asset allocation strategy often includes investments from a range of investment classes, the broadest of which include stocks, bonds, and cash. Investing in bonds can be an important element in your investment portfolio, helping to potentially reduce fluctuations in your portfolio value, enhance investment income and prepare for future expenses. Investing in bonds can help achieve many different investment goals, including income generation, portfolio diversification, even growth.
Giarca Capital delivers deep market structure knowledge, in-depth market insights, and some of the most sophisticated trading tools available including high-performance trading and settlement capabilities across all asset classes. For each recommendation, our analytical team would aggregate analysts’ ratings made in the previous three months and determine their consensus forecast, which ranges from “Strong Buy” to “Strong Sell”.
We treat you as an individual, in terms of the personal service you receive and the investment ideas we propose.
Giarca Capital does not offer holistic financial advice. We recommend that you ensure you have an Independent Financial Advisor to look at your holistic financial needs and that any investment decisions to be carried out on your trading account fit within your overall financial needs.
Our designated regulatory organization is the European Supervisory Authorities (ESA). We are also audited annually by an independent accountant. Giarca Capital seeks to adhere to sound and conservative business principles so that it retains the trust and reliance that our customers desire and deserve. Our owners have a large personal investment stake in Giarca’s net capital. Additionally, our capital has always been primarily invested in EU bonds and US Treasuries and AA/AAA rated short-term securities.